Eclogite facies mineral stability (after Schmidt and Poli, 1998) Experimental results for MORB bulk composition Stability fields for key eclogite facies minerals omphacite and garnet Again, these minerals tell us that subduction zones are cooler than other tectonic environments. Instructor: Dr. Doug Haywick . Eclogite Basalt/gabbro S High Red garnets scattered uniformly throughout a finer-grained green groundmass (bright-green pyroxene: omphacite). Some common types of metamorphic rocks that can be found in these two categories are; amphibolite, argillite, cataclasite, eclogite, gneiss, greenstone, hornfels, marble, migmatite, mylonite . Parent rocks of different compositions, if metamorphosed under the same pressure-temperature conditions, will characteristically contain the same set of definite minerals. Also other naming's are steatite or soaprock. Both must be present and neither component more than 75% vol. (PDF) Ce anomaly in minerals of eclogite and garnet ... It consists of pyroxene and red garnet, along with small amounts of stable minerals. Which of the rock types below could serve as a parent rock of eclogite? Eclogite facies - deeper part of subduction zone and upper mantle . Protolith - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 'In similar contrast to the Okenyenya xenolith suite, lithologies such as wehrlite, eclogite and pyroxenite . Fine-grained (0.05-0.5 mm), thinly layered heim, 1973; Mork, 1985a, b). Metamorphic rocks are those rocks that have undergone changes in mineralogy, texture and/or chemical composition as a result of changes in temperature and pressure. The high Fe, V, HFSE (Zr, Ti, Sr), LREE and Ga, and low Cr and Ni contents of the eclogites may be related to an evolved nature of their parent magma . eclogite, any member of a small group of igneous and metamorphic rocks whose composition is similar to that of basalt. Metasomatism may be driven by a tec-tonic event and so be associated with a change in P, T con- . Metamorphic Rock Types: Pictures and Descriptions The parent rock is ultramafic mantle material, such as peridotite. The parent rock of quartzite is Eclogite - Eclogite is a high-pressure, moderate to high-temperature rock composed of garnet and green omphacite, a high-pressure Na-pyroxene. The eclogite facies is an extremely high grade region of the plot and comprises metamorphic rocks that are a bit beyond our level in GY 111. whole rock) and a low MgO group (6 / 13 wt.% MgO). However, subduc ted sedi-ment components and their nature have not been . Texture Name Parent rock Geologic 102 settings Grade Description Foliated Slate Shale B, R, S Low Dull; similar to shale, but more dense and breaks into hard flat sheets. GY 111: Physical Geology . Eclogite - Wikipedia GEOS 301 Exam 2 - Chap 6 Test Bank Flashcards | Quizlet 12. Grade: High grade Metamorphism and is a product of subducted oceanic crust. Foliated - These have a planar foliation caused by the preferred orientation (alignment) of minerals and formed under differential stress. 4) the amount of water in the rock decreases. at the Earth's surface [15,16]. Eclogite metamorphism takes place in the mantle. Textures of multi-phase and fluid inclusions in the cores of silicate grains . The ages of ca. It is sometimes referred to as a christmas rock because of bright green, red and white minerals. Lawsonite eclogite in serpentinite melange at Port Macquarie in the Southern New England Orogen records P-T conditions of ~ 2.9 GPa and 600 °C, attained at ca. Recognition of this genetic lineage has provided the foun … Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Lecture 28: Metamorphic Facies . Omphacite is a sodium rich mineral and member of the Pyroxene crystal family. Metamorphic rocks | Wat on Earth | University of Waterloo They are said to belong to the same metamorphic facies. In contrast, the eclogites are richer in iron, alumina, and titania but poorer in magnesia than the other metabasic rocks. (PDF) Magmatic and metamorphic controls on chemical ... Protolith - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Diamond Parent Rocks eclogite parent rock omphacite pyrope-almandine peridotite parent rock pyrope forsterite MCC The Four D 's of Diamond Exploration Disruption - the diamond parent rock is removed from its mantle stability field. (Parent rock, setting, and grade) 15. The resulting metamorphic rock is nonfoliated, contains intergrown mineral crystals, and reacts with hydrochloric acid. Eclogite Meanings and Crystal Properties - The Crystal Council There are two major subdivisions of metamorphic rocks. This means that we know the age at which a metamorphic rock went under metamorphism, but not the age of the parent rock. 500-490 Ma. shale. Eclogite is a spectacular red and green coloured rock. O eclogite--basalt schist--shale serpentinite--basalt marble--sandstone Question 12 2 pts Which of the following lists of foliated rock types is arranged according to increasing metamorphic . and eclogite - the parent rocks of diamond. Coesite is common in Dabie-Sulu eclogites and indicates a > 70 km depth of . Rutile, kyanite, and quartz are typically present. The original rock may have been igneous, sedimentary or another metamorphic rock. Differences? . 3) foliation develops. In regional metamorphism the source of increased temperature and pressure is _________ . A parent rock goes through metamorphism. A metamorphic rock containing granular minerals, typically garnet and pyroxene. garnet (often pyrope or Mg-rich almandine) and omphacite (Na-Ca-Al-Mg clinopyroxene). Eclogite is known as the "Christmas" rock for its striking appearance of red to pink garnet in a green matrix of sodium-rich pyroxene (omphacite). Eclogite is a very beautiful rock. Hornblende develops from the pyroxene, and is accompanied by plagioclase. 340 Ma for the second HP/UHP metamorphism were obtained from diamond-bearing gneisses and from some eclogites, but similar ages are common from many felsic . Contact, . Accessory minerals include an alphabet soup of minerals including kyanite, rutile, quartz, lawsonite, coesite, amphibole, phengite, paragonite, zoisite, dolomite, corundum, and, rarely, diamond. rock. 450 Ma. The chart below summarizes the parent rock, setting, and grade of common metamorphic rocks. Eclogite Eclogite: A high P/T metamorphic rock composed of more than 75% vol. If the parent rock of eclogite has a strong continental and/or sediment component, the omphacite 179 in eclogite will be enriched in Na and Al, and thus high in Jd content (Irifune et al. Eclogite Parent Rock: Peridotite. (Parent rock, setting, and grade) What are there similarities? … If a low geothermal gradient was present, such the one labeled "C" in the diagram, then rocks would progress . The parent rock is ultramafic mantle material, such as peridotite. A natural kaersutite megacryst (compositionally equivalent to olivine nephelinite) and a kaersutite eclogite nodule (equivalent to olivine basanite) from the Mineral Breccia, Kakanui, New Zealand, were reacted in sealed platinum and Pd 70 Ag 30 alloy capsules, both with excess water and no additional water present, using half-inch piston-cylinder apparatus. This pyroxene-eclogite is of special interest inasmuch as diamonds have been found as enclosures of the garnet of the rock, and according to one prevailing view eclogite is the parent rock of the diamonds of the South African fields, the diamonds of the "pipes" being derived from the explosive disruption of deep-seated masses of diamantiferous . This suggests that the surrounding granulite was preserved within the stability field of eclogite because element Earth Sciences questions and answers. How are greenstone and eclogite formed? Recognition of this genetic lineage has provided the foundation for a model of the evolution of the continents whereby imbricated slabs of oceanic . Granite on the left, Gneiss on the right. In such cases bulk quartz-plagioclase-microcline gneiss. . The anomalously high and low oxygen isotope values observed in eclogite xenoliths from the upper mantle beneath cratons have been interpreted as indicating that the parent rock of the eclogites experienced alteration on the ancient sea floor. the increase in temperature with increasing depth of burial. The advantage to this is that at the level we do it some types of metamorphism are pretty simple: Eclogite, . rock, and Austrheim (1987) argues that the interface between the eclogite and granulite represents the limit of infiltration of the fluid that promoted the eclogitisation. only be achieved through the interaction of the parent rock with a fluid phase. Basalt, gabbro. Metamorphism is the change that takes place within a body of rock as a result of it being subjected to high pressure and/or high temperature. 2. It usually is prominent from schist by its . Metamorphic rocks are formed by a process known as metamorphism through the transformation of preexisting rocks. +++++ rock type = igneous_rocks aa adakite pahoehoe +++++ rock type = metamorphic_rocks eclogite marble +++++ rock type = sedimentary_rocks argillite chalk jaspillite There are a few ways to modify this to allow for looping through the individual values in an associated * _BLOCK array, eg: 49. Eclogite is unusually dense for a silicate rock (3.4-3.5 g/cm 3) which suggests that very high pressure was involved in the formation of this rock type. Brief petrographic descriptions are given of 32 types of ultramafic xenoliths that . . It has a glorious banding which is apparent on microscopic scale and hand specimen. One last facies should be mentioned (even though it's not on the plot). The parent rock or protolith is the rock that exists before metamorphism starts. The Lower- to Middle-Devonian ages for eclogite facies metamorphism in these rocks were confirmed both by SHRIMP dating on zircon and Sm-Nd dating on garnet (Table 12.1). 14. There are two types of metamorphic rocks. What is parent rock for Class 8? The original rock may have been igneous, sedimentary or another metamorphic rock. The rock is very dense (around 3.3 g/cm 3). The Migmatite It is sometimes referred to as a christmas rock because of bright green, red and white minerals. Comparison of the isotopic compositions of the eclogites with those of their host rocks leads to the following conclusions: 1) The basaltic protolith of the eclogites had isotopic compositions . 1) clay minerals break down to form micas. Hornfels is a metamorphic rock formed by the contact between mudstone / shale, or other clay-rich rock, and a hot igneous body, and represents a heat-altered equivalent of the original rock. Prograde metamorphic dehy- subducted metamorphic terranes (WR data from ref. Epidosite is a metamorphic rock consisting of epidote and quartz. 18, and garnets from ref. This rock is formed under great pressure and temperatures. This eclogite specimen from Jenner, California, consists of high-magnesium pyrope garnet, green omphacite (a high-sodium/aluminum pyroxene) and deep-blue glaucophane (a sodium-rich amphibole). Oxygen isotope analyses of garnet separates and whole rock samples of gneiss- and marble-hosted eclogites from the "ultra-high" pressure (UHP) Dabie Shan terrain fall in the range -6.76‰ to 10.76‰. 1994). 340 Ma for the second HP/UHP metamorphism were obtained from diamond-bearing gneisses and from some eclogites, but similar ages are common from many felsic . due to increased rate of radioactive decay. 17), dration reactions do not cause large shifts in oxygen isotope ratios16, garnets from mantle eclogite xenoliths6,7 and Finsch eclogite-suite garnets in diamonds22. Major and trace element systematics in-dicate that the low MgO eclogites have residual compositions complementary to granitoids from the Man Shield, suggesting that both were derived from a common basaltic parent rock with a composition similar to greenstone belt basalts in **How is serpentinite formed? - separately. Others regarded Essential minerals: Omphacite pyroxene, Garnet, Quartz. It is not an uncommon rock in certain conditions. The . A) basalt B) limestone C) sandstone D) shale. This is a free open access lecture, but not for commercial purposes. Ultra-high-pressure (UHP) eclogites and ultramafites and associated fluid inclusions from the Western Gneiss Region, Norwegian Caledonides, have been analysed for F, Cl, Br and I using electron-probe micro-analysis, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and neutron-irradiated noble gas mass spectrometry. May have quartz, kyanite, or . Parent Rock: The parent rock determines the colour, texture, permeability, chemical property and mineral content of the soil. The latter rock types have mineral proportions suggestive of two, and possibly three, disconnected series; a pronounced division exists at 25 % olivine. Chemical Composition: Pyroxene, Garnet, Kyanite, Quartz, Rutile, Plagioclase, Amphibole. Green is pyroxene omphacite, red is garnet, white is quartz. What was the parent rock and what is the resulting metamorphic rock? New metamorphic rocks can form from old ones as pressure and temperature progressively increase. Epidosite. Common temperatures for the formation of hornfels range from about 1300 to 1450 degrees Fahrenheit (700 to 800 degrees Celsius). Width of sample 12 cm. The red is pyrope or almandine garnet. Metamorphism Occurs Between Diagenesis And Melting. garnet (often pyrope or Mg-rich almandine) and omphacite (Na-Ca-Al-Mg clinopyroxene). . This type of metamorphic rock is the name of highest-grade metamorphic facies. eclogite. 2. Figure 2 shows a rock outcrop in which a dark band of eclogite associated with a shear plane and fluid infiltration cuts across the paler granulite. Metamorphic rocks are those rocks that have undergone changes in mineralogy, texture and/or chemical composition as a result of changes in temperature and pressure. The xenoliths were first proposed to be concretions of the enclosing kimberlite magma [1, 2], or as the parent rock of diamond but kimberlite itself was questioned as to having an igneous origin [3]. The Lower- to Middle-Devonian ages for eclogite facies metamorphism in these rocks were confirmed both by SHRIMP dating on zircon and Sm-Nd dating on garnet (Table 12.1). Eclogites are a comparatively rare but petrologically important member of kimberlite xenolith suites. he discovered that as he walked away from the granitic intrusive igneous rock . . MCC 11. british geologist george barrow mapped rocks in the scottish highlands that were metamorphosed by granitic igneous intrusions. rocks would progress from zeolite facies to greenschist, amphibolite, and eclogite facies as the grade of metamorphism (or depth of burial) increased. Metamorphic Facies. Mixed parent rock contributions (eclogite) may explain nugget effects. Metamorphism is also said to be a process that balances or maintains the equilibrium of the rock cycle, which is otherwise changed during the occurrence of an igneous activity. 1. Hornfels is a fine-grained metamorphic rock that was subjected to the heat of contact metamorphism at a shallow depth. This graph shows that the eclogites of Papua New Guinea were subject to a pressure of 22 kbar and a temperature of 900C, which is equivalent to a 75 km depth, 4.3 Myr ago. CHAPTER 8: Metamorphic Rocks. impact metamorphism. . Question 11 2 pts Which of the following metamorphic rocks is incorrectly paired with its parent rock? It is dominated by green & red minerals. The mineral assemblages that define these P-T conditions were overprinted by a second high-pressure assemblage that formed at ca. The parent material that has undergone metamorphic changes is called protolith, and this material may be an igneous, sedimentary, or even another metamorphic rock. Eclogite: pyrope-omphacite hornfels Magnetite Rock Cordierite Hornfels Amphibolite: chiefly hornblende and/or plagioclase : Directional Structure. . . Being a dense rock, eclogite helps in convection within the Earth's crust. Oxygen and carbon isotope studies suggest formal presence of eclogite parent rock at the Earth’s surface[15,16]. All measurable aspects of microdiamonds should be collected to interpret SFD plots more effectively. • Parent rock and type of gneiss: granite biotite gneiss sediments garnet gneiss basalt amphibolite gneiss. Therefore, in many cases a rock with relict almandine and omphacite (X Jd 0.2-0.3), deprived of any other high-pressure metamorphic evidence, are commonly considered as the retrogressed eclogite . What is the most likely parent rock of a metamorphic rock containing muscovite, biotite, garnet, and quartz? Eclogite never contains plagioclase. Eclogite is characterized by a pale green sodic pyroxene (omphacite) and a red garnet (almandine-pyrope), making it a striking rock. produces the rocks hornfels and marble. Omphacite (Na,Ca)(Mg,Fe,Al)Si 2O 6 Almandine garnet: Fe 3Al 2Si 3O 12 Soapstone is a type of talc-schist metamorphic rock. Here we present in situ zircon U/Pb ion microprobe data that dates the timing of eclogite facies metamorphism in eastern Papua New Guinea at 4.3 ± 0.4 Myr ago, making this the youngest documented eclogite exposed at the Earth's surface. and equivalent basic rocks that have been metamorphosed at high Although . It occurs in the regions where tectonic plates are present . It was part of a subducting plate during Jurassic times, about 170 million . Cordierite may be present and is not counted as . What is the parent rock of eclogite? Multiple Choice Questions Metamorphic Rocks - Chapter 7. If there are no conspicuous directional features, the rock . Their broadly basaltic chemistry has led many authors to propose that they represent ancient . a. how much a parent rock (protolith) is metamorphosed is called its metamorphic grade and varies from low grade (low temperature and pressure) to high grade (high temperature and pressure). Eclogite forms at high-pressure conditions. Order schist, gneiss and slate according to increasing metamorphic grade. . Eclogite (/ ˈ ɛ k l ə dʒ aɪ t /) is a metamorphic rock containing garnet (almandine-pyrope) hosted in a matrix of sodium-rich pyroxene ().Accessory minerals include kyanite, rutile, quartz, lawsonite, coesite, amphibole, phengite, paragonite, zoisite, dolomite, corundum, and, rarely, diamond.The chemistry of primary and accessory minerals is used to classify three types of eclogite (A, B . Radioactive parent-daughter isotopic variations within minerals reveal the timing of these events. 'Specific rock names that record both the parent rock and its mineralogy are relatively rare, but include eclogite, blueschist, and amphibolite.'. Lineate or Foliate Mechanical Metamorphism: Cataclastic: These rocks are formed by crushing and shearing with only minor recrystallization. Microdiamond populations will include contributions from different parent rocks. The significance of diamond eclogite has been debated since the first xenolith in kimberlite was discovered nearly a century ago. Eclogite Easily defined on the basis of mineral assemblages that develop in mafic rocks, and is the parent for a silica enrichment trend Eclogite→Plagioclase-Eclogite→Plagioclase-Quartz-Eclogite. Eclogite: Plagioclase-free metamorphic rock composed of more than 75% omphacite and garnet, both of which are present as major minerals, the amount of neither of them being higher than 75% vol. The composed primarily of talc, with varying amount of micas, chlorite, amphiboles, carbonates and other minerals. Blueschist ( /ˈbluːˌʃɪst/), also called glaucophane schist, is a metavolcanic rock that forms by the metamorphism of basalt and rocks with similar composition at high pressures and low temperatures (200-500 °C (392-932 °F)), approximately corresponding to a depth of 15-30 km (9.3-18.6 mi). . Its parent rock was a mafic igneous rock. 2) the grain size of the rock gets smaller. Also occurs in contact metamorphism and extreme metamorphism (granulite facies). . Eclogite Facies: Created under high pressures and high temperatures the rocks are rich in garnets and pyroxenes. 2) With increasing metamorphism, the grain size of the rock gets smaller. Eclogite Meanings, Zodiacs, Planets, Elements, Colors, Chakras, and more. Eclogites often undergo alteration to amphibolites. The protolith, or parent rock, is subjected to heat and pressure which cause chemical, physical and mineralogical changes to the rock. Associated minerals are rutile, kyanite, and quartz, and it is not unusual to have retrograde amphibole in the rock too. * As to the genesis of the diamond, more than one opinion, has been expressed. It is produced by dynamothermal metamorphism and metasomatism. Mylonitic - formed along faults; rare. Hornfels PARENT ROCK: Shale or Mudstone TYPE: Non-foliated Grade: Variable Chemical composition: Aluminiun . • Eclogite facies - very high pressure (upper mantle) and temperature; pyroxene and garnet. Eclogite never contains plagioclase. The anomalously high and low oxygen isotope values observed in eclogite xenoliths from the upper mantle beneath cratons have been interpreted as indicating that the parent rock of the eclogites experienced alteration on the ancient sea floor. Eclogite rocks form during _____ metamorphism. Earth Sciences. A) high-pressure B) ultra-high-pressure C) burial D) seafloor. Gneiss. Blueschist - a metamorphic rock composed of sodic amphiboles with a distinct blue color Cataclasite - a rock formed by faulting Eclogite - an ultra-high grade metamorphosed basalt or gabbro; also a facies of metamorphic rocks Gneiss - a coarse grained metamorphic rock Gossan - the product of the weathering of a sulfide rock or ore body Metamorphic Rock Types . Eclogite is a very beautiful rock. Nonfoliated - typical when parent rock is sandstone or limestone. The color of eclogite is red-green, which makes it quite beautiful to look at. ultra-high-pressure. . Professor Lewis regarded the matrix as a porphy-ritic form of peridotite, once a lava, now serpentinised,t in which the diamond had been formed by the action of the molten rock on some carbonaceous material (probably the Karoo shale). Blueschists are typically found within orogenic belts as terranes of lithology in faulted contact with greenschist or rarely eclogite facies rocks. CHAPTER 8: Metamorphic Rocks. (0.1-2 cm) quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss forms a However, commonly no traces are left of the orig- discontinuous collar between the eclogite and the inal mineralogy of the parent rock. produces the rock eclogite. It was "baked" by heat conducted from a nearby magma chamber, sill, dike, or lava flow. Type: Metamorphic rock - non-foliated. They are formed when volcanic or metamorphic rocks rich in such mafic . Eclogite is an attractive, uncommon, crystalline-textured, very high-grade metamorphic rock. noun. Science & Origin of EclogiteEclogite is a mafic (high iron & magnesium silicate) metamorphic rock consisting of pink or red @Garnet@ (Pyrope or Almandine) and Omphacite. MCC Slates from the Llechwydd quarries, Nantlle region of North Wales (left) have long been renowned for their properties of thin fissility (about 2mm) and durability. This process is termed contact metamorphism. Eclogites consist primarily of green pyroxene (omphacite) and red garnet (pyrope), with small amounts of various other stable minerals— e.g., rutile. . The parent rock - protolith can be either sedimentary, igneous, or even another metamorphic rock. Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock that is a common distribute type of rock high-grade regional metamorphic approaches from pre-current formations that have been initially both igneous or sedimentary rocks. a local intrusive heat source. First, we are going to handle each type of metamorphim - hydrothermal, contact, Barrovian, blueschist, eclogite. It's color can be just about any shade of green and is the matrix for . Description: Eclogite is a coarse-grained, non-foliated, and a beautiful rock consisting of bright green pyroxene Omphacite and red Garnet (Pyrope-Almandine). The ages of ca. 1. Be sure you understand all of the rock's origins. Its protolith (parent-rock) is a basaltic rock. Rutile, kyanite, and quartz are typically present. ECLOGITE PARENT ROCK: Basalt TYPE: Both Foliated and Non-Foliated. There is, however, a sample of eclogite in your GY 111L metamorphic rock tray just to keep you on your toes. Foliated metamorphic rocks which have layers and banding, and Non-foliated metamorphic rocks which do not. This rock type is a product of hydrothermal metamorphism. . studies suggest formal presence of eclogite parent rock . A sample from the Løkken ophiolite in Norway. Eclogite Eclogite: A high P/T metamorphic rock composed of more than 75% vol. Both must be present and neither component more than 75% vol. rocks would progress from zeolite facies to greenschist, amphibolite, and eclogite facies as the grade of metamorphism . Granulite: High-grade metamorphic rock, in which anhydrous Fe-Mg-silicates are dominantly anhydrous. A rock that shows no foliation is called a hornfels if the grain size is small, . However, subducted sediment components and their nature have not been clearly identified in eclogites and associated mantle-derived garnet pyroxenites. Exam Flashcards | Quizlet < /a > Epidosite - metamorphic rocks whose composition is to... Km depth of burial coloured rock ( parent-rock ) is a product of subducted oceanic crust all measurable of! And so be associated with a change in P, T con- in GY... Surface [ 15,16 ] foundation for a silica enrichment trend Eclogite→Plagioclase-Eclogite→Plagioclase-Quartz-Eclogite be sure you eclogite parent rock. 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Contributions from different parent rocks metamorphosed by granitic igneous intrusions | Quizlet < /a > Gneiss are.... - deeper part of subduction zone and upper mantle Epidosite - metamorphic rocks rich in such mafic it & x27. You understand all of the soil hydrochloric acid the grain size of the following metamorphic rocks Tulane! Paired with its parent rock and what is the parent rock is nonfoliated eclogite parent rock contains intergrown mineral,! Rocks is incorrectly paired with its parent rock is formed under differential.. Quartz are typically present 1300 to 1450 degrees Fahrenheit ( 700 to 800 degrees Celsius ), physical and changes. Eclogite helps in convection within the Earth & # x27 ; s color can be either sedimentary, igneous or... Talc, with varying amount of water in the cores of silicate grains be either,. C ) sandstone D ) seafloor are there similarities, Uses < /a > Gneiss in! 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Granular minerals, typically garnet and pyroxene garnet, kyanite, quartz, rutile kyanite..., chemical property and mineral content of the evolution of the pyroxene crystal family simple eclogite. Basalt B ) ultra-high-pressure C ) burial D ) seafloor of bright,. //Geologyscience.Com/Rocks/Soapstone/ '' > Soapstone rock | Properties, composition, Formation, Uses < >... ) limestone C ) burial D ) seafloor beautiful to look at has led many authors propose! As pressure and temperature ; pyroxene and red garnet, kyanite, quartz, and it is not an rock!: Cataclastic: These rocks are formed by crushing and shearing with only minor recrystallization with increasing of. With a change in P, T con- the Earth & # x27 ; s origins be mentioned eclogite parent rock! Crystal family lineate or Foliate Mechanical metamorphism: Cataclastic: These rocks are formed when volcanic or metamorphic rocks form... 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Temperature and pressure is _________, contains intergrown mineral crystals, and grade ) what are there?! Christmas rock because of bright green, red is garnet, quartz rutile. A spectacular red and white minerals what is the rock gets smaller, sedimentary another... Gy 111L metamorphic rock consisting of epidote and quartz are typically present 1450 degrees Fahrenheit 700. Sodium rich mineral and member of the rock gets smaller order schist Gneiss! The advantage to this is a spectacular red and white minerals order,! Subducting plate during Jurassic times, about 170 million > Epidosite - metamorphic rocks - Tulane