Antonina: Wife of Belisarius and close friend of Empress Theodora. Belisarius After many attempts by Empress Theodora he accepted to become the Bishop of the Metropolis Mytilene. Perhaps Belisarius' greatest flaw was not, as Gibbon puts it, uxoriousness, but rather his constant loyalty to a bad emperor. Completed in 547, halfway through Justinian's long reign (527-565), it is not only artist. Photius, by her orders, was tortured like a slave, and was beaten with rods upon the back and shoulders, and ordered to disclose where Theodosius and the pander eunuch were. Did Antonina Use Witchcraft to Enslave the Mighty ... Answer: Short answer: Perhaps. By means of a forged letter the pope was accused of a treasonable agreement with the Gothic king who was besieging Rome. A man leader licking a woman's feet signifies men's gynocentric subordination to women throughout history. Antonina's smile now went to the small group of soldiers standing just behind her husband. It was asserted that Silverius had offered the king to leave one of the city gates secretly open so as to permit the Goths to enter. Deprived of his adopted son and commander-in-second, Belisarius is forced to wait an envoy of the Emperor himself, General Narses. Antonina Stoyanova (born 1952), Bulgarian IP lawyer, diplomat and social activist, who was the Bulgarian First Lady. Joannina was the only daughter of General Flavius Belisarius and his wife Antonina, Since her marriage date of 547 is established (a year her parents were away in Italy), give her an age of, say, 17 at the time, which would make her birth year 530. English: Byzantine mosaic in Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, depicting Empress Theodora (6th century) flanked by a chaplain and a court lady believed to be her confidant Antonina, wife of general Belisarius. Narses: Roman general who replaced Belisarius' command in Italy. His Achilles' heel was none other than his wife, Antonina. But his determination breed only suspicion in the empress . Maidens -- Shepherdesses of Mount Emo. Belisarius's gesture has much greater significance — both in Byzantine history and in the history of all humanity. I yield to my excess of grief. According to Procopius, Belisarius' obsession with Antonina led to the Byzantine setbacks in the war against the Persians. Procopius depicted Belisarius himself as a weak man, in thrall to his wife Antonina, a corrupt woman who subdued him with her magic arts, while she slept with his adopted son. I, the author of this Greek work, am a person of little importance, a mere domestic; but I spent nearly my whole life in the service of Antonina, wife to this same Belisarius, and what I write you must credit. Tried to take back Italy from Byzantines. Senatorsi -- People -- Veterans -- Alans and Bulgarians. Graves does a good job of bringing the world of Belisarius, Antonina (his wife), Theodora (the empress), and Justinian (the emperor). Breast Plate: Belisarius's wife, Antonina. Thus, after having covered the excesses of Antonina, the wife of Belisarius, she fell out with her after having forced her daughter Jeanne to marry Anastasius and made recall from Italy the general Belisarius at a critical moment. Ifølge historikaren var Antonina utru mot Belisarius med den adopterte sonen deira, Theodosius. The account of his life describe him as converting two . The virulent combination of Belisarius' 'all-consuming love' (Arc. He had purchased the villa for the benefit of his wife Antonina, whom he had married two years before, that she might have a comfortable . Historikeren Paolo Cesaretti nævner hende som en kontroversiel skikkelse og "højre arm" af kejserinde Theodora i udøvelsen af indflydelse og magt. Joannina married Anastasius. Antonina looked at the grass. 589: The royal nuns Basina, daughter of Chilperic I, and Clotilda rebel and take power in the city of Poitiers by the use of an army of criminals. Antonina. Procopius features her as dominating Belisarius. Antonina Armato - Antonina Armato is an . Pages in category "Vandalic War" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. In addition, Belisarius married Antonina, a friend of Empress Theodora. The Secret History reveals an author who had become deeply disillusioned with the emperor Justinian and his wife, Empress Theodora, as well as Belisarius, his former commander and patron, and Antonina, Belisarius' wife. Fittingly, Belisarius and Justinian, whose partnership increased the size of the empire by 45%, died within a few months of one another in 565. 547 Marriage to Anastasius. The Secret History reveals an author who had become deeply disillusioned with the emperor Justinian and his wife, Empress Theodora, as well as Belisarius, his former commander and patron, and Antonina, Belisarius' wife. Easily as great as Caesar, Trajan, Alexander, or Napoleon yet ignored by most people. Procopius portrays Antonina as leading a shameless life, even after marrying Belisarius. This title presents an original portrayal of Justinian's reign, its politics and theological disputes, focusing on the lives of two extraordinary women who wielded power and influence. A female given name from Latin of mainly historical use English. In the year 531 AD the late Roman (Byzantine) general Flavious Belisarius married a prostitute named Antonina. Procopius, in the first five chapters of his Secret History, presents Belisarius as a cuckold husband dominated by his wife. But his drive and determination breed only suspicion in . Theodora is depicted as a power-hungry whore without a moral compass beyond self-interest. . They first met as teenagers when he was an innocent aristocrat, and she was a charioteer entertainer (i.e., a gymnast-dancer-prostitute). Totila: Raised to be king of Ostrogoths, after Witiges was captured. and to cover with vilest slander the Empress Theodora and Antonina, the wife of Belisarius. Former courtesan and Belisarius' wife Ambadassador; Battle Couple: With Belisarius. Posted July 23, 2010. A fascinating exploration of the corridors of power in Byzantium of the time of Justinian (527-565), the book reveals how Empress Theodora and Antonina, both alumnae of the theatre, were remarkable examples of . In Lindsey Davis' novel Two for the Lions, Antonia Caenis is a . She was, according to Procopius, able to bewitch her husband. Graves does a good job of bringing the world of Belisarius, Antonina (his wife), Theodora (the empress), and Justinian (the emperor). Irene congratulates her father, but Antonina has already begun her work of hate, by traducing Belisarius to Justinian, and the innocent man is accused of high treason and thrown into prison on the evidence of his wife. Photius she subjected to one servile torture after another, tearing the flesh off his back and shoulders with merciless flogging, insisting that he should disclose the whereabouts of Theodosius and the procurer. Belisarius in the Belisarius series [] In the spring of 528 A.D., Belisarius and his wife Antonina were awoken by Belisarius's friend Anthony Cassian, Bishop of Aleppo, who introduced him to Michael of Macedonia. 533-4: Antonina (wife of Belisarius), joins her husband in the Vandalic war. Let's start with the greatest battles and achievements of his life. Belisarius - General in the Byzantine army. Wife: Antonina But the luckless Belisarius was chronically short of troops, supplies, and money, because Justinian feared him as a potential rival, and he was dominated by his chronically unfaithful wife Antonina, a close friend of Theodora, and one of the most brilliant and resourceful sluts in history. So, to please Antonina, Theodora arranged everything so that the wife would appear to have asked mercy for her husband, and from such peril to have saved his life; and . Although Belisarius seems never to have been disloyal, Justinian was always fearful that so popular a commander might attempt . 495 - efter 565) var en byzantinsk patrikia og kone til den generelle Belisarius.Hendes indflydelse over sin mand var stor; Procopius fremhæver hende som dominerende Belisarius. Antonina (wife of Belisarius) - Antonina (Greek: Ἀντωνίνα, c. 495 - after 565) was a Byzantine patrikia and wife of the general Belisarius. The general adopts him in place of his long lost son. She acted as an agent of Theodora in a number of . Antonina (* around 495; † after 565) was the wife of the Eastern Roman general Belisarius.She was the daughter of a charioteer and a hetaera and is described in the sources as beautiful and clever, but also as extravagant. At around the same time, he married Antonina, a personal friend of the Empress Theodora. Belisarius is the subject of a rather dry 1938 novel by Robert Graves. Procopius portrays him as a coward, obsessed with his wife. She was also a friend and confidante of the Empress Theodora.Antonina helped Belisarius pave the way to his high position in the army and often stayed by his side. In the religious sphere, while Justinian leaned toward orthodoxy and a rapprochement with Rome, Theodora remained . Imperiali guards -- Goth Prisoners -- Greek Warriors -- Shepherds of Mount Emo. Does not the glorious sun shudder At such wickedness? Belisarius stretched out his arms to embrace his fiancé who had made the trip from Constantinople to be with him. He was not there often, for he was a general who believed in staying with his troops. Belisarius owned the estate of Rufinianae on the Asiatic side of the Constantinople suburbs. Antonina is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "priceless". Female Success Is Family: A High-Class Call Girl instantly becomes respectable on marrying a great general, naturally enough. Belisarius Wife,and you dare attest? From Antônio +‎ -ina, after Francisco António, Prince of Beira. AD 500[1] - AD 565) was a general of the Byzantine Empire. On the eve of his expedition to Libya, Belisarius baptized this boy in holy water and received him in his arms as a member henceforth of the family, welcoming him with his wife as their son, according to the Christian rite of adoption. He was instrumental to Emperor Justinian's ambitious project of reconquering much of the Mediterranean territory of the former Western Roman Empire, which had been lost less than a century previously. Antonina: [upon seeing how creatively the armorer interpreted her instructions] My tits are not that big. Antonina receives much of the same abuse, accompanied with the tacit acknowledgement of her . Antonina - Wife of Belisarius. p. 29 Theodora also compelled Belisarius, much against his inclination, to lay aside his quarrel with his wife Antonina. 23 June] 1848 - 1 March [O.S. This series lampshades the hell out of the trope, though the armor in question provides more coverage than most examples of the trope. She had left Photius in Antioch to be raised as she could not raise him. The action takes place partly in Bysantium, partly in the vicinity of Mount Emo. Aided by his resourceful wife, Antonina, and his stalwart band of 'biscuit-eaters', Belisarius strives to build the most formidable army fielded by the Roman Empire in over a century. A dramatized history of Belisarius, arguably the greatest military tactician and strategist of the ancient world. Antonina (Greek: Ἀντωνίνα, c. 484 - after 565) was a Byzantine patrikia and wife of the general Belisarius. Antonina (My maternal grief will give me courage Antonina and Theodora were generally seen as two women with a very strong and very influential personality. Justinian, Senators Belisarius is a Criminal All [except Antonian and Eutropio] Oh, heavens! Procopius claimed that Antonina had love affair with the couple's adopted son, Theodosius. Belisarius's character is elusive. Antonina The truth. This series lampshades the hell out of the trope, though the armor in question provides more coverage than most examples of the trope. But his determination breed only suspicion in the empress . It was asserted that Silverius had offered the king to leave one of the city gates secretly open so as to permit the Goths to enter. "After the death of his wife [Vespasian] resumed his relations with Caenis, freedwoman and amanuensis of Antonia, and formerly his mistress; and even after he became emperor he treated her almost as a lawful wife." -- Suetonius, The Life of Vespasian, 3. Glory of the Romans continues the epic tale of Belisarius, the last great general of the Roman Empire. Recalled to the capital, Belisarius was instrumental in bringing to an end the 'Nika Riots' in 532 by slaughtering the rioters, an act which proved his dedication to the Emperor. As for Belisarius, she forced him against his will to become reconciled to his wife Antonina. 3.2 ἔρωτος διαπύρου) for his wife, and what Procopius describes (Arc. Belisarius took this oath, renouncing the world, the flesh, and the devil. Antonina ( græsk: Ἀντωνίνα, ca. I have no doubt that he would hold his own in the modern world. A dramatized history of Belisarius, arguably the greatest military tactician and strategist of the ancient world. The R. (CC BY-SA 3.0) He was the idol of his soldiers, a good tactician, but not a great strategist. Poor Belisarius, I have a really big urge to crucify Antonina because of obvious reason, I bought the Last Roman DLC for role play purpose ( Like Caesar in Gaul ), if anyone bought the pack for the same reason as I am then they should know why Antonina deserve to die ;) Well, the point is some of the missions and political incident involve Antonina and Empress Theodora being close friend, I . His wife, though unfaithful and often embarrassing to him, had great influence at court, which was valuable when Justinian grew suspicious of him. Purity in the whore. Belisarius married Antonina, who had great influence over him. Antonina Miliukova - Antonina Ivanovna Miliukova (Russian: Антонина Ивановна Милюкова; 5 July [O.S. According to Italian historian Paolo Cesaretti, Antonina was a . All three of the top Kushan commanders of Belisarius' army—former commanders, as of this moment—were gathered there. Her influence of her husband was great. However, like many powerful men before and after him, Belisarius' one weakness had the sway to destroy men and ruin empires. Empress Theodora reportedly helped and saved Antonina when Belisarius tried to charge his wife at last. His wife, though unfaithful and often embarrassing to him, had great influence at court, which was valuable when Justinian grew suspicious of him. And Antonina not only embraced Theodosius with reasonable fondness as her son by holy. Flavius Belisarius, Belizariu sau Belisarie (în greacă Βελισάριος, transliterat: Belisarios) (505(? That night, Belisarius was resting in the villa which he had purchased upon receiving command of the army at Daras. The captive, Alamiro, who adores Belisarius, refuses to leave him. Though little known in the west, Belisarius was perhaps the noblest person ever to lead great armies and is considered to be one of the ten - some would argue three - most successful commanders in history.Belisarius loved and was faithful to Antonina their whole lives together . Belisarius was puzzled. Aided by his resourceful wife, Antonina, and his stalwart band of 'biscuit-eaters', Belisarius strives to build the most formidable army fielded by the Roman Empire in over a century. He was merciful as a conqueror, stern as a disciplinarian, enterprising and wary as a general; while his courage, loyalty and forbearance seem to have been almost unsullied. Posted July 23, 2010. After 1261 the Empress Theodora added another church with a chapel dedicated to St . I have no doubt that he would hold his own in the modern world. Antonina, wife of Belisarius, influenced her husband to act as Theodora desired. Ottario, leader of the Alans and Bulgarians . Belisarius By whom am I betrayed? Procopius claimed that Antonina had love affair with the couple's adopted son, 'Theodosius.' Moreover, his own wife Antonina proved to be manipulative, disloyal, and debauched, carrying on many affairs at court. Although Belisarius seems never to have been disloyal, Justinian was always fearful that so popular a commander might attempt . Belisarius married Antonina, who had great influence over him. According to Procopius, Belisarius' obsession with Antonina led to the Byzantine setbacks in the war against the Persians. Procopius fails to mention . She is flanked by Antonina, wife of Belisarius, and by attendants dressed in drawloom-woven gowns of silk featuring bright colors, possibly of Sasanian manufacture, further embellished with tapestry-woven areas similar to those found at Panopolis (Akhmim, Egypt). 1.26; 3.2) as rumours that Antonina had used 'magic-arts' (μαγγανεία) to beguile him proved too difficult for the general to overcome.68 So, each time the respite was fleeting . )-565) a fost unul dintre cei mai mari generali ai Imperiului Bizantin și unul dintre cei mai faimoși generali din istorie. Caesarea notes the unorthodox behavior of Empress Theodora and Antonina (General Belisarius' wife) in his "Secret History" from the mid-sixth century. The anecdotes claim to expose the secret springs of their public actions, as well as the private lives of the emperor, his . Also has a whole cohort of Battle Couple s at the center of her force. Antonina (484/495-after 565) was an Eastern Roman Empire (which is improperly called Byzantine Empire) patrician, wife of the general Belisarius and very close to the Empress Theodora, wife of the Emperor Justinian. Despite the popularity of Anthony and its masculine variants, female derivatives of its source - the Roman family name Antonius, of unknown meaning - have never caught on in the same way.Sister name Antonia peaked at #336 in the US way back in 1882, while Antonina itself has never ranked higher than #865 (in 1915). By means of a forged letter the pope was accused of a treasonable agreement with the Gothic king who was besieging Rome. The cataphracts, led by Antonina, put down the revolt, as Belisarius arrives home to pick up the pieces. The anecdotes claim to expose the secret springs of their public actions, as well as the private lives of the emperor, his . Antonina and another former prostitute, Justinian's wife, the Empress Theodora, were two of the most formidable women of that or any age. Belisarius - Book II: Glory of the Romans continues the epic tale of Belisarius, the last great general of the Roman Empire. According to his former secretary and long-standing enemy, the historian Procopius, Antonina even bedded Belisarius' own godson, Theodosius. In this 2nd volume of Drake & Flint's Belisarius sextet, the general's escape from India so angers the chief Malwa spymaster that he orders the assassination of the general's wife, Antonina. In Lindsey Davis' novel Two for the Lions, Antonia Caenis is a . The two men presented Belisarius with a strange, seemingly magical crystal-like object, discovered by Michael in a cave in a desert. Breast Plate: Belisarius's wife, Antonina. We don't know for sure. Flavius Belisarius (Greek: Βελισάριος, ca. She was supposedly only restrained by fear of losing the favour of her patron Theodora, wife of Justinian I (r. 527-65). Mange ser på dette synet som einsidig, sidan Prokopios , who was emotionally dependent on his debauched wife, Antonina. While this might have been a coincidence, historians (and Antonina) assumed that Belisarius ordered the attack. Antonina, wife of Belisarius, influenced her husband to act as Theodora desired. Beside Belisarius rode his wife, the one-time prostitute Antonina who was a product of Constantinople's crime- infested streets and slums. the life of his Empress, Theodora, and for that of General Belisarius' wife, Antonina. . Historians discussing Theodora and/or Antonina must turn to the Historia Arcana, and they must adopt some working assump tions about the accuracy of Procopius' black picture of these women, since it contrasts with a few more favorable references to them else Another great relationship in the novel is between Belisarius and his wife Antonina. In addition, Belisarius married Antonina, a friend of Empress Theodora. In terms of raw achievement, Belisarius is one of the greatest Romans ever. Glory of the Romans continues the epic tale of Belisarius, the last great general of the Roman Empire. Vitiges: Gothic general who led armies against Rome and was resisted by Belisarius. . English: Byzantine mosaic in Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, depicting Empress Theodora (6th century) flanked by a chaplain and a court lady believed to be her confidant Antonina, wife of general Belisarius. Procopius, in the first five chapters of his Secret History, presents Belisarius as a cuckold husband dominated by his wife. Prokopios hevdar at forholdet var velkjend ved keisarhoffet og at generalen hadde eit omdøme som svak og låtteleg. The Gothic War, covering the period from the first Byzantine attacks in 535 AD until the fall of Ravenna in 540 and the recall of Belisarius. Aided by his resourceful new wife, Antonina, and his stalwart band of 'biscuit-eaters', Belisarius strives to build the most formidable army fielded by the Roman Empire in over a century. From Latin Antōnīna. Antonina stopped him with a hand the way a defensive back holds off a linebacker. He writes "at great length" on her affair with Theodosius, a godson of Belisarius. Empress Theodora reportedly helped and saved Antonina when Belisarius tried to charge his wife at last. Antonina: [upon seeing how creatively the armorer interpreted her instructions] My tits are not that big. "Incapacitated by his wife's waywardness" ( Secret History 2.26), Belisarius refused to travel far beyond the boundaries of the Empire, and thus failed to take the initiative against the Persians. Aided by his resourceful new wife, Antonina, and his stalwart band of 'biscuit-eaters', Belisarius strives to build the most formidable army fielded by the Roman Empire in over a century. Glory of the Romans continues the epic tale of Belisarius, the last great general of the Roman Empire. A reprezentat elementul-cheie in planul Împăratului Iustinian I de recucerire a Imperiului Roman de Apus, ce fusese pierdut barbarilor cu un secol în urmă. Within that history, Belisarius gratefully licked the soles of his wife Antonina's feet. Tenor. Two primary impulses guided his life: loyalty to Justinian and passion for his wife, Antonina. Procopius records that both the father and the grandfather of Antonina were charioteers. Answer: Oh, Belisarius, such an under-appreciated general. Act 2 John the Baptist. Despite the treatment he often received from Justinian, Belisarius never wavered in his obedience, contributing one of the nobler dimensions to Justinian's era. Feminine singular of adjective antonino. Her actions at court constantly undermined and weakened Belisarius, even as a her . ―Incapacitated by his wife's waywardness,‖ Belisarius refused to travel far beyond the boundaries of the Empire, and thus failed to take the initiative against the Persians. Chapter 5, the shortest in the book, is a brief analysis of Belisarius's role in the Nika riots of 532 A.D., and his marriage to Antonina. This, obviously, is the central theme of the Secret History, and the author concentrates all his effort on the attempt to demonstrate the utter depravity of Justinian and of Theodora, the futility of Belisarius, and the shamelessness of Antonina. Long answer: The so-called Justinian Mosaic from the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy is one of the best known examples of early Byzantine art. Relations between Belisarius and his wife quickly deteriorates. Antonina (Greek: Ἀντωνίνα, c. 495 - after 565) was a Byzantine patrikia and wife of the general Belisarius.Her influence over her husband was great; Procopius features her as dominating Belisarius. This list may not reflect recent changes (). The historian Paolo Cesaretti mentions her as a controversial figure and the "right arm" of the empress Theodora in the exercise of influence and power.